How to Effectively Distribute your Content Marketing

by | May 15, 2020 | Content Marketing

Developing unique branded content marketing is a great way for a company to attract a new audience. However, the content will not be helpful if it doesn’t reach the audience you’re intending to speak to. 

To reach a new audience and deliver your content to them, there are many options businesses can use to distribute their content marketing.

1. Social Media

In the digital age, social media is one of the most effective and popular channels to market to an audience. There are many different platforms you can use to engage with broad demographics.

If you utilize Social Media for marketing, there are two different means you can use; paid and organic promotions.

Organic promotions are any social media activities that happen “organically” or without any paid promotion. People could find your posts by following you or hashtags.

Organic promotions are a great strategy to start off with if you are unable to spend any budget on promotion.

Oppositely, paid promotions are ones that you paid for. They are easy to recognize because they usually have the word “sponsored” indicated on them.

Example of paid promotion for content marketing.
Example of paid promotion for content marketing.

Paid promotions are beneficial because they can break-through algorithms and help your content reach new audiences that may have not seen it otherwise.

You can also pay to have your content positioned at the top of search results or to only display for users that fit your target market.

2. Personalized Emails

Studies have even shown that personalized emails are opened at a 6.2% higher rate than those that are not. They’re great assets and there are many ways to go about utilizing emails to distribute your marketing:

One-off emails

One-off emails allow you to send single emails, such as newsletters and promotions to your entire email list or a specific segment of your customers. One-off emails can still be personal and effective by encouraging a specific segment of your customers to complete a “Call to Action.”

For instance, suppose you’ve gained 700 new customers. You can send those specific customers a one-off email with a call to action encouraging them to leave a review about their most recent purchase from your business.

Nurture Campaigns

Nurture Campaigns are a series of emails sent based on an audiences’ past behavior. These campaigns connect potential customers to a brand based on the customers’ past email sign-ups and search history.

Rather than just promote content to customers, these campaigns can also educate and enlighten them. Nurture campaigns can build trust and credibility between a brand and its’ audience.

Nurture campaign example for content marketing.
Nurture campaign example for content marketing.

3. Reach Out to Influencers

Influencers play a big role in marketing today. Reach out to relevant influencers in your industry to get them to share your content on their networks. Or they can even give you a quote from them that you can use in your content.

Influencers can help you reach their new people in their audience and grow your brand.

4. Webinars

A webinar is an online event in which a speaker or a group of speakers deliver a presentation to a virtual audience. Throughout the presentation, the audience can interact by submitting questions or responding to polls.

These events are great for marketing because they allow customers the chance to personally hear directly from a business owner and learn more about their company or the services they offer.

It can also increase online visibility for business by being saved and shared on multiple platforms where people can re-watch them.

5. Paid Media

Paid media is any marketing efforts that require paid placement. It can include branded content, sponsored posts, or pay-per-click advertising. Companies can promote services, products, or ideas to their target market.

It’s a key component of growing revenue and brand awareness for a business.

6. Internal Distribution

Internal distribution marketing can consist of using wholesalers, retailers or the internet to promote your product or service.

Producing intriguing and unique content is a vital part of marketing. However, it will not be beneficial if the content is not being seen.

Finding the best channels to distribute your content marketing will help a company attract more customers and reach their target audience. Utilize different methods to see which one gives you the greatest results.


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